
Shree Khatu Shyam Ji

  Shri Khatu Shyam Ji is a famous village in  Sikar district  of  Rajasthan  state  of  India , where there is  a  world famous temple of Baba Shyam. This temple is about 1000 years old, which was rebuilt by Abhay Singh ji in 1720 In this temple, the head of  Barbarik , the grandson of  Bhima  and the eldest of the three sons of  Ghatotkach  , is worshipped. While  Barbarik  's body is worshiped in Syahadwa, a small village in  Hisar  district of  Haryana .  Large number of devotees keep coming Chulkana Dham, Panipat (The village where Shyam Baba donated his head to Shri  Krishna  .) Introduction  According to Hindu religion  , Khatu Shyam ji had obtained a boon from Shri  Krishna  in Dwaparayuga that he would be worshiped by his name Shyam in  Kaliyuga .  Shri Krishna was very pleased with the great sacrifice of Barbarik and gave a boon that as Kaliyuga descends, you will be worshiped in the name of Shyam. Your devotees will be saved only by  uttering your name with a tr